greenshot printscreen
greenshot printscreen

Greenshot-afreescreenshottooloptimizedforproductivity.,1)andleftclickingontheCapturewindowoptionorbypressingtheAlt+PrintScreenkeysonyourkeyboard,thenleftclickingonthewindowofyourchoice ...,Greenshotisalight-weightscreenshotsoftwaretoolforWindowsw...


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Greenshot - a free screenshot tool optimized for productivity.

Getting to Know Greenshot

1) and left clicking on the Capture window option or by pressing the Alt + Print Screen keys on your keyboard, then left clicking on the window of your choice ...


Greenshot is a light-weight screenshot software tool for Windows with the following key features: ... ...and a lot more options simplyfying creation of and work ...

Greenshot 免安裝中文版

2018年2月24日 — Greenshot Portable is a light-weight screenshot software tool for Windows with the following key features: - Quickly create screenshots of a ...

Greenshot on Win11 instead of default

2023年7月5日 — If I hold the Fn key and then press PrintScreen I can get Greenshot to open the region select. My thing is, can I get it to register the ...

Greenshot 帮助

你可以使用键盘上的 Print 按键或者右键点击Greenshot的系统托盘图标来创建一个抓图。 在创建抓图时还可以设置一些选项:. 抓取屏幕的一部分 Print.

Greenshot allows you to make and to edit screenshots simply. The application allows to 'capture' window, a portion of the screen or the entire screen.


To reach the application, you can right click the Greenshot icon in the notification area or directly take a screenshot by pressing one of the defined keys.


Greenshot - a free screenshot tool optimized for productivity.

Screenshots:Greenshot (Unofficial)

Greenshot allows you to take screenshots in multiple ways and automatically save them where you want. Not only can it be saved on your PC, but it also lets ...


Greenshot-afreescreenshottooloptimizedforproductivity.,1)andleftclickingontheCapturewindowoptionorbypressingtheAlt+PrintScreenkeysonyourkeyboard,thenleftclickingonthewindowofyourchoice ...,Greenshotisalight-weightscreenshotsoftwaretoolforWindowswiththefollowingkeyfeatures:......andalotmoreoptionssimplyfyingcreationofandwork ...,2018年2月24日—GreenshotPortableisalight-weightscreenshotsoftwareto...

Greenshot 具有編輯功能的螢幕擷圖工具

Greenshot 具有編輯功能的螢幕擷圖工具
